• A portrait of the artist....

    Jordana comes from a dynasty of artists. Her earliest memories are of the smell of oil paints, the squeak of marker pens, and the velvetiness of mouse erasers. She grew up making art and learning classical technique and art history as part of family life. As a young adult, she lived in Italy for a while, drawing and studying art history. Then she got her MFA at New York University. While in Manhattan she also studied art at Atelier Christopher Young, Parsons School of Design, and the New School. She studied Asian Art and Buddhist Art History at Columbia University. Upon moving to San Francisco she pursued her practice at San Francisco Art Institute. And she studied art in Paris and St Petersburg. She has been a member of San Francisco City Art Gallery, San Francisco Women Artists’ Gallery, local guilds and art organizations, and has shown work at Chicago’s Agitator Art Gallery. She has competed in many art competitions, sold work at benefit auctions, and has been a member of many online galleries. Her work is in private collections. Her tango paintings are currently represented by Galleria Bohème San Francisco.

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  • Monographs

    Click on a book to go to its Amazon link

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    It Takes Two

    Tango Dancers I Have Known and Been

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    The Saltwater Yoga Pictures

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    Thirty-Four Names for Love

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    Sunday in the Park with Jord

    Landwehrkanal in the Summer

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    The Sunday Morning Zeichnenkaffeeklatsch

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    Only Connect

    Moments of Humanity from Around the World