[Photo credit: Prince Andrei and Natasha from BBC's 2016 *War and Peace*.
When will these women learn.]
Adapted into English as Friendzone by Jordana del Feld
Sit down and listen to me
don't let me see you cry
don't think you can make me want you back
don't show me your grief.
So what if you came back
just to see me
in the end we're just friends
having a dandy little chat.
Don't go telling me
that you repent
that you see the error of your idle ways
that you want to win me back.
It's all your fault
you one day
destroyed the love-nest
we swore to protect.
Don't just stand there—tell me
that you've been so busy since
that evening
that you cast me aside like so much trash.
Who knows, maybe you met
a bad crowd
they sent you
seeking crazy adventures.
Don't you remember that evening
you sneaking around all nervous
you sneaking sidelong looks at me
you teaching me
Hiding something from me
and I
your whim-pawn
let you have your way with me.
Don't you remember how great you looked
your cute little suit
your wish was my command
your birthday suit.
Then one ice-cold kiss
telling me, “I'm right here,”
you abandoned me
now here we are together again.
Don't get all sad
lift your head
you're my friend
always will be.
You're always welcome
come over to visit me
we're always friends
just friends period.
You're the one who flew away
don't forget your foolish flights of fancy
don't tell me your life story
don't stay. Get out.
Sentáte y escucha
pero esconde las lagrimas
sabiendo que tu llanto
ya no me va a extrañar.
Y si por verme has vuelto
mas ya que has venido
al fin somos amigos
y es grato conversar.
Pero ni me menciones
que estas arrepentida
y que desengañada
queres reconquistar
Aquel nido de amores
destruido por tu culpa
y que juntos un día
juramos conservar.
Sentate, así me cuentas
que has hecho de tu vida
desde la tarde aquella
en que te echo a perder.
Quien sabe si consejos
de malas compañias,
que locas aventuras
te hicieron entrever.
Te veo aquella tarde
paseandote nervios
mirándome de reojo,
dejando comprender
Que un algo me ocultabas
y yo en silencio siempre,
sujeto a tus caprichos,
tu gusto deje hacer.
Recuerdas que luciste
el trajecito último
que para tu cumpleaños
te había hecho hacer
Y que en un beso frío
diciéndome, ya vengo,
saliste y desde entonces
recien te vuelvo a ver.
Levanta la cabeza
y no te pongas triste,
sabés que sos mi amiga
y siempre lo seras
Y siempre que te acuerdes
vení a visitarme
que somos siempre amigos,
amigos nada más.
Te vas y no me cuentas
que has hecho de tu vida
desde que tus caprichos
te echaron a rodar.
Siempre Amigos. Orquesta Lalo Martel.