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I Can See Clearly Now


Música: Osvaldo Pugliese

Letra: Homero Manzi

Adapted into English as

I Can See Clearly Now

by Jordana del Feld

Only now, only now,

I bring my life back to you today

not letting you see the disgraces,

not letting you see the disasters.

And only today,

returning to the serene shelter of your caresses,

only now do I see my own sadness

knowing that I did you wrong.

When I was a young man, I saw as a young man

and my foolish young man's heart

bumbled about, deceiving you.

You loved me; so, so much

that your grief wore me out

and rather than listen to your grieving

this young man saw it easier not to see you again.


When I was a young man, I saw as a young man

and my foolish young man's heart

bumbled about, deceiving you.

You loved me; so, so much

that your grief wore me out

and rather than listen to your grieving

this young man saw it easier not to see you again.

Only now, only now,

today I see through no glass darkly

I see life without shadows and without lies

today I see face to face

and know as I also am known.

Today, I bring my life back to you

I thought I would escape easily with your forgetting me

instead I suffer the serene penance

of your complete forgiveness.

Hoy, recién, recién,
vuelvo otra vez a tu lado con mi vida
escondiendo los fracasos,
ocultando las heridas.
Y hoy al encontrar
la protección de tus manos tan serenas,
recién siento que me apena
saber que te hice mal.



Tenía menos años
y el corazón imprudente
por calles del engaño
rodó, rodó torpemente.
Me amabas, tanto y tanto,
que me cansó tu tristeza
y por no escuchar tu llanto
preferí no verte más.



Hoy, recién, recién,
miro las cosas sin sombras ni mentiras
y comprendo cuanto enseñan
las lecciones de la vida.
Hoy, al retornar,
pensé encontrar el reproche de tu olvido
y tan solo halle el castigo
de todo tu perdón.